Unity3D Developer
We are looking for talented developers with various levels of experience, ranging from junior developers to senior developers. We are searching for people who will be inspired by and will fall in love with our projects, ready to join our big happy team.
What’s the job like?
Develop immersive amusement parks projects, establishing new levels of game interactivity. Come up with new mechanics, melding digital gameplay with physical interactions (projections, sound, light, VR/AR, touchpads, etc.).
What’s our stack?
Unity3D, C#, Code-review, Unit Tests, CI/CD, Release workflow, Zenject, our signature framework for creating interactive and art installations.
Who are we looking for?
- Proficient developers with knowledge of Unity3D, C#.
- Expert content producers who want to move forward in their careers, who are interested in participating in corporate training sessions, and who are ready to share their experience.
- Someone who will go above and beyond their assignments as monitored by task trackers because they want to bring something unique to the product and who isn’t intimidated by comprehensive tech documentation in English.
What are we especially interested in?
- Experience with frequent releases (Git Flow or other similar models, CI, autotests)
- Good knowledge of architecture (SOLID, DI, competent in Unity project development)
What are we offering?
- Large-scale projects around the world, access to new technologies
- Work options are discussed on an individual basis, depending on experience and portfolio
- Flexible schedule
- Career opportunities
How to apply?
Send us an e-mail with an introductory letter and your CV attached: hr@hello.io
Business Center 1, M Floor,
Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Projects Inquiries
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